Letters: Farmers’ market, Sue Frost, Anne Marie Schubert
It’s a drive Re: “Sunday Farmers’ Market on the move” by Lindsay Oxford (Dish, Feb. 22): I feel bad for all the grid folks who…
Read MoreIt’s a drive Re: “Sunday Farmers’ Market on the move” by Lindsay Oxford (Dish, Feb. 22): I feel bad for all the grid folks who…
Read MoreTrump’s golf game Re: “Censure culture” by Clay Jones (Editorial cartoon, Feb. 16): If we take one aspect from Trump’s era we will not see…
Reference check Re: “Judge rules that Twin Rivers School District retaliated against whistle-blowing teacher” by Scott Thomas Anderson (News, Feb. 2): I have known this…
Lost land Re: “Rancho Cordova residents rally to save one of the city’s last pieces of open space” by Scott Thomas Anderson (News, Jan. 27):…
No justice, no healing Re: “‘We will not heal and unify with words alone’” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Jan. 19): Where’s the part where…
Trump is responsible Re: “Donald J. Trump, tinhorn dictator” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Jan. 4): Damn right. Trump is directly responsible for what’s happening…
No time for compromise Re: “How to make progress in the next four years” by Jeff vonKaenel (Greenlight, Dec. 15): Jeff vonKaenel is calling for…
Unheard voices Re: “State’s largest water district ignores tribes, conservationists, ratepayers on Delta tunnel” by Scott Thomas Anderson (News, Dec. 9): Shame on MWD and…
Asleep at the switch Re: “For rural counties, stopping inmate unemployment fraud is daunting” by Scott Thomas Anderson (News, Nov. 27): WTH why isn’t state…
Subtle racism Re: “Last-minute wrinkle in ‘strong mayor’” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Oct. 22): Measure A is nothing more than a racist misogynistic power…
Protect tenants Re: “Measure C will keep city affordable” by Anthony Lew, Terry Schanz and Katie Valenzuela (Essay, Oct. 13): 100% agree. It will keep…
Join the fight Re: “Battle begins to protect rare redwood forest in Northern California” by Scott Thomas Anderson (News, Sept. 23): Thank you for your…
Fear-mongering on fire department Re: “Decision time on ‘Defund the Police‘” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, Sept. 9): Who conflated the firefighters in with the…
Individual choice Re: “What to say to a naked face” by Joey Garcia (Ask Joey, Sept. 3): Why talk to naked faces? My mask is…
The real problem Re: “A matter of life and death” by Bob Erlenbusch (Essay, Aug. 12): Your efforts don’t treat the underlying problem. Homeless don’t…
Another KJ? Re: “‘Strong mayor,’ plus” by Foon Rhee (Editor’s note, July 23): While I am one of the people who think [Darrell] Steinberg has…
SN&R is worse Re: “A dark day for The Sacramento Bee” by Jeff vonKaenel (Greenlight, July 14): I gave up on the Bee at least…