Home & Garden

A living quilt

A Santa Rosa-based artist creates an inspirational flower bed in Sacramento’s Sojourner Truth Park This “quilt” was sown, not sewn. Threaded with double meanings, it’s…

Steady as a Valley oak

Ray Tretheway retires after 30 years as executive director of the Sacramento Tree Foundation For nearly four decades, Ray Tretheway has been as strong and…

All in the family

Green Acres is growing with a new nursery in Citrus Heights and acquiring Eisley Nursery in Auburn Gardening is a booming business—again—as more people discovered…

Summer garden woes

Extreme heat and wildfire smoke kill tomatoes and zucchini Record heat and falling ash—what’s a pandemic gardener to do? Many Sacramentans got seriously into food…

Going to seed

The nation’s largest organic garden supply company tries to keep with pandemic-fueled demand Patricia Boudier realized early on that 2020 would be a year like…


Sacramento nurseries change during COVID-19 to keep customers safe—and stay in business Imagine having to totally rethink how you do business during your busiest time…