
From Tupperware, with love

And so I bake. I bake as an excuse to leave the house, if only briefly. If my friends are home, we’ll talk through screen doors, catch up a bit. If they’re working, or if their health doesn’t allow it, I’ll send a text in advance so the food doesn’t languish in Sacramento’s summer heat. However the food gets delivered, I’ve made a real, human connection with someone I love in a time when I—we—need it so much.

From chef to table

When he and his wife both lost their restaurant jobs as the coronavirus pandemic shut down businesses, JD Snead says he started cooking for his…

In bad taste?

Burger Patch, Sacramento’s king of vegan fast food, has been a philanthropic force since opening last year. Its “Patch Match” program has donated a portion…

The fruits of their labor

Midtown Association splits with Unseen Heroes, a Black-owned events company that operated Midtown Farmers Market for more than 5 years On any given Saturday morning,…

Fresh from Oak Park

Celebrating its 11th year, the Oak Park Farmers Market returns with health and safety measures in place When Food Source permanently closed in March, a…

Dairy-free fromage

Fake cheese is one of those topics on which vegans love to evangelize: “You can’t taste the difference!” It’s usually spoken to a non-vegan friend,…

Bao is back

One of Sacramento’s most popular dim sum spots reemerges When my brother would visit on his return from serving in the Coast Guard abroad, our…