The Issue of Rent Control
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ As recently as 2017, some Sacramento City Council members ducked the volatile issue of rent control, according to pro-tenant community activists. Amid…
Read MoreBY EDGAR SANCHEZ As recently as 2017, some Sacramento City Council members ducked the volatile issue of rent control, according to pro-tenant community activists. Amid…
Read MoreThese new laws will help workers This week, Jews around the world are celebrating the end of their New Year period with a day of…
Members’ personal stories at the heart of campaign California has the most poverty in the country. We don’t have a resource problem; we have a…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ With 2020 fast approaching, community organizer Cha Vang is preoccupied with the golden opportunities the new year will bring for Sacramento communities…
Renters’ rights important part of this fight Sacramento used to be a bargain. People moved here from all over because our city was considered an…
Open enrollment an annual reminder of rising costs BY YVONNE R. WALKER It’s that time of year again when families pull out their calculators, crunch…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Jovana Fajardo, a pro-tenant community organizer, agree: Crafting citywide rent control is not easy. “If it were…
Tentative contract helps lift up bottom, close inequality gap Arising tide lifts all boats – but only if there’s enough water to go around. To…
What can you do to end poverty for all? That can be a difficult question to ponder when you may be a paycheck away from…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Just this month, in a stunning move, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to scrap a $1.7 billion jail…
Labor leads way to California for all This weekend, we celebrate Labor Day, a federal holiday for 125 years. It’s not the end of summer;…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Sherie Drawn’s life derailed after she got pulled over by Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputies in 2006. According to Drawn, officers searched her…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ The Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) strives to help people transition from public assistance to financial independence. More than 420,000…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Gina Massey’s South Sacramento apartment has rats and electrical issues —problems, through no fault of her own recently landed her in the…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ In 2017, the Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood Association (AGENA) wanted to apply for a hefty state grant to help restore Morrison Creek,…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Days before she graduated from Pacific Elementary School in South Sacramento, 11-year-old Amyah Davis had a chance to hear successful women speak…
BY EDGAR SANCHEZ Paola Benitez was struggling in school – her grades were low and she was suffering from anger-management issues due to trauma experienced…