
Essay: When I’m 64

Older adults have much to offer if they’re not stigmatized By Patty Wait The number of older adults is increasing, and it can be great!…

Essay: We can prevent child abuse

Spending money up-front is better for families—and for taxpayers By Sheila Boxley and Michelle Callejas Child abuse costs Sacramento County more than $700 million a…

Essay: Not backing down

Planned Parenthood vows to protect reproductive freedom By Jodi Hicks It is hard to believe that as I begin my tenure leading Planned Parenthood Affiliates…

Welcome to DMV purgatory

Forget REAL ID delays and ‘motor voter’ boondoggle—California’s most dysfunctional agency can’t get a simple license renewal right The line stretched to the door. The ragtag…

Essay: Stop honoring genocide

Roseville must remove a statue of Christopher Columbus By Jose Gonzalez For nearly three years I have reached out multiple times to the Roseville City…

Editor’s note: Never forget

A solemn ceremony serves as reminder of Veterans Day When I started work in Sacramento, America’s war in Afghanistan was surging; the 498 U.S. deaths…