That was nice, OK Go
Band + screens + crazy graphics = OK Go tour 2014. (Photo courtesy of OK Go’s Facebook page.) If you don’t have anything nice…
Read MoreBand + screens + crazy graphics = OK Go tour 2014. (Photo courtesy of OK Go’s Facebook page.) If you don’t have anything nice…
Read MoreIf there’s going to be a live baby bunny in the Easter basket next to the jelly beans and chocolate this year, make sure that…
Remember Measure U, the half-cent sales tax that was supposed to reverse the city of Sacramento’s gloomy financial fortunes? Well, it turns out the Magic…
California is a leader … in income inequality. So says a new report from the Economic Policy Institute, a nonprofit think tank based in Washington,…
There is such a thing as an illegal hug, in case you were wondering. The unwelcome show of intimacy went down during the evening of…
Sometimes, there just isn’t enough room in the paper to cover all the great stuff happening in this city. Take Max Whittaker’s show, for example….
The Lurk lurks into the sunset. (Photo by Bobby Mull) The Lurk is right: The best lurking is done alone. However, the one-man band from…
Tele Novella, stayin’ alive. (Photo courtesy of Tele Novella) Former Sacramentan Natalie Ribbons’ (of Agent…
It’s one week into the Sacramento Vegan Chef Challenge, and so far, I’ve dined at only two of the 13 participating restaurants. At this rate,…
SN&R’s Streetalk question this week is: What is the worst state? The six responses were varied, but come on, only one of them was right:…
An acoustic keytar? (Buy this image on a T-shirt at A few weeks ago, staff writers Raheem F. Hosseini and Dave Kempa led…
In case you missed it this week, NASA teamed up with Barbie’s parents to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Curiosity Rover landing on Mars,…
Oh, God, is The Newsroom going to last 40 years, too? Hey, so I didn’t watch the the first episode of The Newsroom's second season….
This is a post about David Hasselhoff and the Sacramento News & Review’s relationship with The Hoff. A face only a German could love? (Image…
Dave Kempa: “It’s hard to love someone who firebombs you.” Oh, he’s so romantic. (Image from Raheem F. Hosseini’s post on June 25, “A…
Run outside right now and look at the sky to witness a gorgeous halo around the sun. It’s a called a sun dog. While Wikipedia…
Geeking out with words at SN&R’s copy desk. Did you know that attractive women can be professionally accomplished? Don’t be so surprised, instructs The…