American idiots staged an insurrection. The reviews were terrible.

1/6/21 Siege on U.S. CapitolThis generation's best and brightest exhibit restraint and grace in accepting their preferred candidate's loss. (Photo: Reuters)

Jan. 6, 2021—yet another day of the the Trump presidency that will live in infamy

A belligerent Trump mob invaded the U.S. Capitol Wednesday to terrorize elected officials and derail one of the most essential cornerstones of American democracy—the peaceful transition of power.

At least four people died in connection to the lawless, pathetically misguided blitz on Congress, where roving crowds of extremists occupied the Capitol for several hours, delaying but not stopping Joe Biden’s electoral coronation as the next president.

Here’s how current and former SN&R staffers reacted on social media to the Jan. 6 Electoral College certification process devolving into a gross—but utterly predictable—display of chaos.

Editor Foon Rhee:

Former editor Rachel Leibrock:

Former co-editor Nick Miller:

News editor Raheem Hosseini began the day by covering a MAGA conspiracy event at the California State Capitol:

Former copy editor Deena Drewis:

After President Trump released a video message praising the insurrectionists:

After Twitter temporarily suspended the president’s account:

Calendar editor Patrick Hyun Wilson:

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