COVID-19 lockdown

Little light at the end of the tunnel

Editor’s note: New Sacramento supervisors’ chairperson wants to reopen businesses, but COVID-19 numbers say ‘no’ Sue Frost made her top priority crystal clear as she…

Closing time?

Editor’s note: California’s struggling restaurants appeal to diners for support, while suing governments over fees California’s struggling restaurants have two major efforts on their menu…

COVID-19 fitness

Urijah Faber keeps his Sacramento gym open despite public health restrictions Since mid-July, gyms in Sacramento County have only been allowed to operate outdoors. But…

From Tupperware, with love

And so I bake. I bake as an excuse to leave the house, if only briefly. If my friends are home, we’ll talk through screen doors, catch up a bit. If they’re working, or if their health doesn’t allow it, I’ll send a text in advance so the food doesn’t languish in Sacramento’s summer heat. However the food gets delivered, I’ve made a real, human connection with someone I love in a time when I—we—need it so much.