Informed and prepared: How Yuba Water Agency educates residents about flood risk
Sitting at the intersection of the Yuba and Feather Rivers, Yuba County has been described by the US Army Corps of Engineers as being “most…
Read MoreSitting at the intersection of the Yuba and Feather Rivers, Yuba County has been described by the US Army Corps of Engineers as being “most…
Read MoreCreated in 1959, Yuba Water Agency was formed in response to a catastrophic flood in 1955 that displaced 40,000 residents of Yuba City and killed 38. This disaster, caused by a levee collapse on the Feather River, convinced local authorities of the need for an agency to improve flood control systems in Yuba County.
While some counties have struggled with new administrative responsibilities for juveniles, the Sacramento County Probation Department quickly embraced the challenge.
Joshua’s House, a facility offering hospice care to terminally ill homeless patients, broke ground in Natomas this June. Between the need for funding, city approval and a suitable location, it wasn’t until this year that the dream took this ultimate step toward reality.
Yet even now, the project is not without roadblocks.
Supporting Positive Change. You’ll find these three words on the walls of the Sacramento County Probation Department’s offices and the homepage of their website. And if you talk to any of the 700 employees working within the department, it won’t be long before you’ll hear them invoke the phrase.
Just drive through any major California city, such as Sacramento, where homelessness has increased by 67% in the last three years. What happens when a homeless person becomes terminally ill?
Job Link ensures employee readiness in many ways. Job seekers work closely with career counselors, who assess their preexisting skills, needs and interests. They steer them to classes at Petaluma Adult School, arrange bus passes or child care, help them update their resumes, and direct them to job fairs. In other words, they work to remove the many barriers under-served communities typically have toward employment. And this readiness counseling pays off.
Treating unemployment in this country as a singular problem misses the bigger picture. Obstacles ranging from literacy to English-language fluency to poverty must be addressed simultaneously. The best way to do this is for workforce development boards, educators, social services and employers to work closely together.
A Better Outcome “It opened the door to something I didn’t feel was possible,” says Jesus Celis, a roofer apprentice in Fresno, California. He is…
As of 2020, California was home to over 4.1 million small business. These businesses employed half the state’s workforce and were responsible for nearly two-thirds of new jobs. To say small business is vital to California’s economy would be an understatement.
Economic Gardening 2.0., a collaboration between Berkeley Strategy Advisors and the National Center for Economic Gardening,offers consultations, tools and funding for “second-stage” Sacramento companies.
Even for established companies such as Honey, a design and marketing studio founded in Sacramento in 2008, the global pandemic represented a unique challenge. Honey’s marketing and branding efforts focus on the food, beverage and agriculture industries. These industries were hit particularly hard by the shutdowns of 2020.
Apprenticeships allow people to immediately enter their chosen field, get paid and attend college classes tuition-free. These programs also allow employers to train and retain good employees.
The Big Picture Like most social issues, the problem of homelessness doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Rather, it is deeply linked with the issue of…
We’re here for the kids,” says Roy Casillas, a child support supervisor for Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services. “We’re not here for one…
Separation or divorce can be difficult, especially when a child is involved. When a partnership ends with hostility or estrangement, it’s important to have a…