Ask Joey

DM the universe

A married reader receives a message from her high school crush. How can she let him know she appreciated their time together, without getting unwelcome advances?

Less fear, more faith

A reader’s boyfriend accuses her of appearing to be in a bad mood all the time. Is she tolerating too much negativity from her man because she fears losing him?

To stop a bully

Another passive aggressive, bullying, depressed narcissist for a partner. How can an unhappy spouse disrupt the pattern?

Mind your behavior

After a reader says he’s afraid to express interest in a woman because he doesn’t want it to be misinterpreted, Ask Joey gives her take on The Me Too movement.

Will you marry us?

A reader’s having trouble finding the right guy. Then her friend offers herself—and her husband. Can the friendship survive the awkward offer?

How to be creepy

When dating and social media platforms collide, Ask Joey shows how to not creep people out.

Fix your orbit

A single mom feels like her son’s pregnant girlfriend wants her out. Does she need new priorities?