Articles by Jeff vonKaenel

Q&A with David W. Gordon, Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools, on kids’ mental health

Children and teenagers have been through a lot the past few years, with the disruption and isolation that was COVID, on top of family stress or trauma that can be present any time. Sacramento County Office of Education is focused on this issue for our kids, and Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools David W. Gordon sat down with us to discuss his perspective—and the plans SCOE is putting in place.

Rachel Machi Wagoner of CalRecycle discusses the benefits of a circular economy in California

Last month, I sat down with Rachel Machi Wagoner, who heads California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, better known as CalRecycle. Our talk was so wide-ranging, we decided to break it into two stories for SN&R: Part 1 focuses on SB 1383 and organic waste. And this second part is the discussion we had about other important legislation, as well as the governor’s zero-waste proposal.