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Innocence lost

A woman catches her 13-year-old son watching a video of a girl from another school masturbating. She makes him delete the text, but what about the girl?

A sad message

Police officer caught on video punching suspected jaywalker 19 times is back on the job in the same neighborhood.

Red flags

Is this woman’s LinkedIn romance with an oil man the real deal? Or is she being deceived?

Find your egomate

There’s an old saying about life, “We must decide whether we are human doings or human beings.”

Fear belly

Where dietitians can’t help this reader, Joey offers spiritual advice.

Exes and no’s

A long-distance ex desperately wants to be friends, and a God-preaching one wants to have sex again.

Just do it all

Joey lets a college freshman know how to let go of a male friend whose attention she misses, and how an aspiring café owner/singer/environmentalist may not have to choose one path in the end.