Search Results for After the war

Finding forgiveness

How do you forgive a husband who had an affair? It wasn’t a very long affair and he cut it off right after he told…

Why wait? Procrastinate!

I have such a huge problem keeping commitments to myself that I fear I will never achieve my life goals. I have procrastinated so much…

Six sources of gratitude

Long Lines: It’s mandatory recess. When I’m stuck in an extended and slow-moving queue, I usually close my eyes and drop into meditation or prayer….

Elements of deceit

I got back together with an old boyfriend even though I knew better. At the time, I was raw from other problems and in no…

Trust in time

I’m in a trippy situation and need your perspective. I met a woman last February who seemed to be the one. Three months later, she…

First love’s end

I’m a 19-year-old male college student. After three years of dating, my girlfriend says she is not in love with me. We were living together…

Green-eyed lady

My problem is jealousy. My counselor said that, given my childhood, developing a complex is natural and I should just live with it. I don’t…

How long is never ever?

I consciously will myself to let go of my ex-husband, but he fills my thoughts and dreams. He says he “never ever” wants to see…