Friends and other haters
Joey advises a reader to figure out whether her friends are concerned—or just jealous.
Read MoreJoey advises a reader to figure out whether her friends are concerned—or just jealous.
Read MoreJoey advises a reader to explore loss, change and the future.
Joey advises a reader that age ain't nothin' but a number.
Joey advises a reader it's OK to seek better role models than his parents.
Joey advises a reader that in this day and age players gonna play.
Joey advises readers on parental issues.
Joey advises a reader that it's OK to break up with her boyfriend.
Joey advises a reader whose girlfriend's parents just don't understand.
Joey advises a reader to share the rules of the game with her crush.
Joey advises a reader to stop lying about his affair.
Joey advises on how to break up with a “great guy”—and how to figure out your mystery STD.
Joey advises a reader to not play duck, duck, goose around her fears.
Joey advises a reader to be honest about her sexual assault experience.
Joey advises a reader that most mistakes are fixable.
Joey reminds a reader that we're all just human.
Joey advises a reader to chill out and just trust whatever happens with his ex-girlfriend.
Joey tells a guy to not fall in love with the crisis.