Ask Joey

DUI breakdown

After blaming her boyfriend for her own DUI, this reader wants to know how to win him back.

Bad practice

A dad gets racist after showing up unannounced to a soccer scrimmage and seeing his daughter with her black boyfriend.

Death and dating

She found her boss’ husband on a dating site, and her boss has a terminal illness. Does she tell her boss?

How to live free

Joey advises a reader to re-evaluate why she gave up on having any sort of fulfilling relationship.

Absent love

Whether it’s your boyfriend or your dad, it’s tough to not receive love in return.

Free-form love

A mother needs help apologizing to her daughter after a bungled attempt at understanding her same-sex relationship.

Detached dudes

A reader has been with her boyfriend for six years, and while she wants more, he seems just fine where he is.

Real talk

A reader has a hard time having a direct conversation with her friend who lives on a higher plane.