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I’ve lost God

I no longer have a concept of who, what and where God is. I used to know what he was capable of, what he would…

Watch your tongue

Society teaches us to be understanding of women and premenstrual-syndrome mood swings, but do we give enough attention to teaching everyone to control their tongues…

Not a people person

Throughout my routine of work, errands and gym, people are obstacles and annoyances to me. I have moments of friendly banter, but for the most…

In love with a liar

My boyfriend has repeatedly lied to me. He said that he was 23 and only had one child. Later, I found out that he was…

Bachelor party revisited

The horrible best friend who threw the bachelor party described in your May 1 column is me! Here’s my side: The bride got a blatant…

Stuck in the past

Am I obsessed with my ex? I never considered it before a friend said something, but I talk about him 24-seven and go to places…

How do I talk to men?

How can I overcome my painful shyness with the opposite sex? When I meet a man I am attracted to, I have a strongly negative…

Bachelor-party fallout

My husband’s best friend thinks I’m a threat to his seven-year relationship with my husband. I generally ignore his rudeness, although my husband has enabled…

Father knows best?

I am a 23-year-old college student and a single mother with a 5-year-old son. We live with my dad. My problem is that he keeps…

Rules for fighting fairly

In all of our arguments, my wife tells me to “act like a man.” But if I attempt to use strong, “manly” words or actions,…

A diet of self-abuse

I am an overweight junk-food eater who can’t stop eating sugar. I always call myself names when I look in the mirror, hoping it will…

Losing my looks

I’m a 40-year-old gay male who would like to be in a serious relationship, but I’m in a rut. I was a nerdy kid who…

What if I like my ego?

I’ve struggled most of my life with low self-esteem. Lately, I’ve been reading about Buddhism and getting really confused when the concept of ego is…

Words of love

All of my relationships end the same way: the guy breaks up with me, and I am devastated. I wish that I could cleanse myself…