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Who’s your daddy?

I am pregnant and stuck between two possible fathers. I foolishly told both men that I am pregnant. They both want to be there for…

Who gets the ring?

My friend “Diane” and her fiance broke up, and she needs your advice. Last week, her ex-fiance called and invited her to his son’s football…

Abortion ultimatum

The guy I am dating had a one-night stand with a girl before he and I met, and she is pregnant. He wants nothing to…

Mother’s little slackers

My kids refuse to help me. I am a 47-year-old single mother, living on disability and child support. Recently, my 20-year-old son moved back into…

Marrying Peter Pan

In 10 years, my 40-year-old boyfriend has proposed twice, and twice he broke it off, saying he was not ready for marriage. He is brilliant…

Unwilling caregiver

My parents were extremely abusive to my brother, sisters and I when we were growing up. None of my siblings are close to my parents…

Long-distance marriage

My husband and I have been married for five years but have only lived together for a total of seven months. He works out of…

Dad’s boy toy

I’m a 21-year-old college senior who recently learned that my father is gay. It was a relief, actually, since I suspected it for years. There’s…

Office gossip

I had sex with a co-worker, and now he’s ruining my life. We went out and had a great time, although he insulted me during…

Almost perfect

My boyfriend has the qualities that I want in a husband: kindness, depth, compassion, generosity and a positive outlook. He is a good communicator with…

From teacher to student

Dear readers, I have met a multitude of spiritual teachers in my lifetime. Many are quite famous, and others are not. My friend Byron Katie…