Sacramento city council approves Strong Mayor vote for 2014 at drama-free meeting (boring! So let’s watch an old video of K.J. chewing out his colleagues!)
In what SacramentoBeeCity Hall reporter Ryan Lillis described as a meeting “without drama,” City Council voted last night to put the fourth incarnation of “Strong Mayor” on the November 2014 ballot.
SN&R predicted the 5-4 vote, and our columnist Cosmo Garvin has written extensively—perhaps exhaustively—about Strong Mayor over the years.
So, feel free to bone up on the issue with those stories.
Or, hop onto the wayback machine and take a quick jaunt to 2010. When Kevin Johnson lost his second Strong Mayor vote—and so proceeded to lay into his colleagues on the dais with a classic late-night, 30-minute diatribe. (Video below; stick around for the boss dis on Lauren Hammond and the showdown with Sandy Sheedy.)
Oh, the good ol’ days?
More on the Strong Mayor vote in next week’s SN&R.
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